- Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA): Advising national membership organization (IRC § 501(c)(3) exempt) on various matters of governance, operation, regulatory and tax reporting, and advocacy on behalf of its membership.
- Turkish Coalition of America (TCA): Advising educational organization (IRC § 501(c)(3) exempt) on various matters of governance, operation, tax structuring and reporting, general reporting, and advocacy.
- TC-USA PAC: Advising non-connected, non-partisan political action committee on governance, procedures and Federal Election Campaign Act compliance.
- The family of Bashar Kadumi: Representing on a pro bono basis the family of a foreign journalist who is missing on assignment in the war in Syria while employed by a quasi-governmental U.S. company.
- San Diego State University: Advised regarding the potential elimination of study abroad programs on political grounds. Prepared testimony for Trustees of the California State University.
- Turkish-American Religious Foundation (Turk-Amerikan Diyanet Vakfi): Advising umbrella organization that owns numerous mosques and Turkish community centers across the United States on various matters of governance, operation, real estate, contracts, labor/employment, immigration and general reporting.
- Turkish-American Community Center (d/b/a Diyanet Center of America): Advising organization, which operates a small Turkish village in Lanham, MD consisting of a mosque, cultural center, Turkish bath, fellowship hall and residential houses, on various matters of governance, operation, real estate, contracts, labor/employment, immigration, and general reporting.